playing with sine waves using golang

by mukesh on

while scrolling through youtube, i came across this video on my feed by javidx9 - about building a sound synthesizer in c++, so i thought of giving audio programming a shot. in this blog post, we'll cover few of the basic topics and build a simple program which would generate a sine wave of a certain frequency and save it to a .wave file, amplify it and peform stereopanning on a given .wave file.

what is sound?

sound is a phenomenon caused by vibration in particles that propagates as a wave through a transmission medium such as air, water, or solids. most of the sounds in the real world propagate in the form of a sine wave (or combination of different sine waves).

for example, the note A above middle C on the piano propagates as a (almost) pure sine wave with a frequency of 440Hz (ref: how can a piano key only have one frequency?) and it can be mathematically represented as follows:

y = sin(880πx)

what is audio?

sound is a mechanical wave energy, while audio is the electrical representation of that sound wave.

a microphone converts the mechanical sound waves into analog signals which is later passed through an analog-digital converter (ADC) which converts these analog signals into digital signals, which would be understood by a computer.

there are two important keywords in the context of digital audio - bit rate and sample frequency

the analog signals hold information about various wave characteristics at that particular instant such as the amplitude. sample frequency is the number of times a snapshot of these characteristics is taken and these snapshots are later used to re-create the sound wave.

most of the audio which is delivered nowadays either uses 44.1 kHz or 48 kHz as the sample frequency. the frequency limit of humans range from 20 Hz to 22 kHz. nyquist rate is the minimum sampling rate needed to accurately represent a signal and it is twice the highest frequency of the signal.

44100 = 2 * 22000 + 100

why isn't it 44 kHz? well, an additional 100 Hz sorta acts like a transition band or room for error, which prevents unwanted distortion in the higher frequencies.

in the early days, digital audio was stored on modified video recorders and 44.1 kHz worked perfectly with the video equipment at that time and it became the industry standard.

bit depth is related to the precision of each snapshot. if the bit depth is 16 then the maximum number which could be represented is +32767 (((2^16 - 1) - 1)/2) and the least is -32767. a snapshot could either have +ve or -ve amplitude. so in simple words - the higher the bit depth, the more clearly it is represented digitally, at the regions with really high or really low frequencies.

crafting initial sounds

let's a simple program which would generate a sine wave of 440 Hz.

package main

import (

const (
  duration   = 5
  sampleRate = 44100
  freq       = 440

func main() {
  ns := duration * sampleRate
  angle := (math.Pi * 2.0) / float64(ns)

  f, err := os.Create("wave.bin")
  if err != nil {
  start := time.Now()

  for i := 0; i < ns; i++ {
    sample := math.Sin(angle * freq * float64(i))
    var buf [4]byte

    binary.LittleEndian.PutUint32(buf[:], math.Float32bits(float32(sample)))

    if _, err := f.Write(buf[:]); err != nil {

  fmt.Printf("done - %dms\n", time.Since(start).Milliseconds())

the above program generates a .bin file containing binary representation of the audio samples, at a sample rate of 44.1kHz.

y = sin(440x)

as sample rate is number of samples taken per second, number of samples can be found out with the help of duration and sample rate:

number of samples = (sample rate) * (duration)

angle is the angular increment per sample.

sample is snapshot of the wave characteristics at that moment, in this case it is the amplitude i.e. value of the function at that point.

the sample (which is a floating point number) is converted to its corresponding little-endian byte representation and then written to wave.bin. i'm converting it to little-endian as my CPU (intel i5) uses little-endian. check which byte representation your machine's CPU follows via the following command:

lscpu | grep "Byte Order"

to play the audio, we can use ffplay

ffplay -f f32le -ar 44100 -showmode 1 wave.bin
  1. -f specifies the file format. f32le indicates that the audio is encoded in 32-bit litte-endian byte format.
  2. -ar specifies the audio sample rate, which is 44.1 kHz in this case.
  3. -showmode 1 opens a GUI showing the sine wave re-created from the samples.

on running the above ffplay command, you should hear a sound something similar to - rec.mp4

adding exponential decay

right now, the audio abruptly ends. let's fix that by adding exponential decay. exponential decay keeps on gradually decreasing the amplitude, which leads to a neat fade away sorta effect.

startAmplitude := 1.0
endAmplitude := 1.0e-4
decayFactor := math.Pow(endAmplitude/startAmplitude, 1.0/float64(ns))
// ...

for i := 0; i < ns; i++ {
  sample := math.Sin(angle * freq * float64(i))
  sample *= startAmplitude
  startAmplitude *= decayFactor

  var buf [4]byte

  binary.LittleEndian.PutUint32(buf[:], math.Float32bits(float32(sample)))

  if _, err := f.Write(buf[:]); err != nil {

on running the script, you should notice that the audio fades off that the end - rec.mp4

understanding wave file format

we have generated the byte code that can produce some sound, let's save it into a wave file, so it can be played by the media players rather than using ffplay.

waveform audio file format or wave in short stores audio data as samples, along with some metadata such as number of audio channels (mono, stereo, etc.). a wave file is usually encoded using pulse code modulation (although, it isn't required to fully understand pulse code modulation to implement this blog post by yourself).

a wave file follows a strict format and is majorly split into three blocks of data.

  1. header
  2. fmt - holds the related metadata
  3. raw data

the structure of the header is as follows: (on the left side, byte offsets are mentioned and on the right side, the corresponding data's label)

  1. 0 - 4 bytes - chunk id (must be equal to RIFF, written in little-endian. if it was written in big-endian, then it would be have been RIFX)
  2. 4 - 8 bytes - chunk size
  3. 8 - 12 bytes - format (must be equal to WAVE)

the structure of the "fmt" block is as follows:

  1. 12 - 16 - sub chunk 1 id (must be equal to fmt )
  2. 16 - 20 - sub chunk 1 size
  3. 20 - 22 - audio format (equal to 1, if it is encoded via pulse code modulation)
  4. 22 - 24 - number of audio channels (1 for mono, 2 for stereo)
  5. 24 - 28 - sample rate (i.e. sample frequency)
  6. 28 - 32 - byte rate (byte rate = (sample rate) * (number of audio channels) * (bits per sample) / 8)
  7. 32 - 34 - block align (block align = (number of audio channels) * (bits per sample) / 8)
  8. 34 - 36 - bits per sample (i.e. bit depth)

the structure of the data block is as follows:

  1. 36 - 40 - sub chunk 2 id (must be equal to data)
  2. 40 - 44 - sub chunk 2 size
  3. 44 - ... - raw samples

here is a better pictorial representation of the structure - if you wanna go a bit depth, then you play around by opening a wave file in hex editors like ImHex.

working with wave files

let's first code out some structs adhering the above mentioned format.

package types

type Sample float64

type WaveHeader struct {
  ChunkId   []byte
  ChunkSize int

type WaveFmt struct {
  SubChunk1Id   []byte 
  SubChunk1Size int    
  AudioFormat   int    
  NumOfChannels int    
  SampleRate    int    
  ByteRate      int    
  BlockAlign    int   
  BitsPerSample int

before coding out an implementation for WaveWriter, let's make a few utility functions which would convert ints/floats to their little-endian byte representations.

func IntToBits(i int, size int) []byte {
  switch size {
  case 16:
    return Int16ToBits(i)
  case 32:
    return Int32ToBits(i)
    panic("invalid size. only 16 and 32 bits are accepted")

func Int16ToBits(i int) []byte {
  b := make([]byte, 2)
  binary.LittleEndian.PutUint16(b, uint16(i))
  return b

func Int32ToBits(i int) []byte {
  b := make([]byte, 4)
  binary.LittleEndian.PutUint32(b, uint32(i))
  return b

func FloatToBits(f float64, size int) []byte {
  bits := math.Float64bits(f)
  b := make([]byte, 8)
  binary.LittleEndian.PutUint64(b, bits)

  switch size {
  case 2:
    return b[:2]
  case 4:
    return b[:4]

  return b

and a few more utility functions which would convert WaveHeader and WaveFmt into their equivalent litte-endian byte representation.

func WaveFmtToBits(wfmt types.WaveFmt) []byte {
  var b []byte

  b = append(b, wfmt.SubChunk1Id...)
  b = append(b, Int32ToBits(wfmt.SubChunk1Size)...)
  b = append(b, Int16ToBits(wfmt.AudioFormat)...)
  b = append(b, Int16ToBits(wfmt.NumOfChannels)...)
  b = append(b, Int32ToBits(wfmt.SampleRate)...)
  b = append(b, Int32ToBits(wfmt.ByteRate)...)
  b = append(b, Int16ToBits(wfmt.BlockAlign)...)
  b = append(b, Int16ToBits(wfmt.BitsPerSample)...)

  return b

func SamplesToBits(samples []types.Sample, wfmt types.WaveFmt) ([]byte, error) {
  var b []byte

  for _, s := range samples {
    var multiplier int

    switch wfmt.BitsPerSample {
    case 8:
      multiplier = math.MaxInt8
    case 16:
      multiplier = math.MaxInt16
    case 32:
      multiplier = math.MaxInt32
    case 64:
      multiplier = math.MaxInt64
      return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid size - %d, must be 8, 16, 32 or 64-bits only", wfmt.BitsPerSample)

    bits := IntToBits(int(float64(s)*float64(multiplier)), wfmt.BitsPerSample)
    b = append(b, bits...)

  return b, nil

func CreateHeaderBits(samples []types.Sample, wfmt types.WaveFmt) []byte {
  var b []byte

  chunkSizeInBits := Int32ToBits(36 + (len(samples)*wfmt.NumOfChannels*wfmt.BitsPerSample)/8)

  b = append(b, []byte(constants.WaveChunkId)...)
  b = append(b, chunkSizeInBits...)
  b = append(b, []byte(constants.WaveFileFormat)...)

  return b

now as we have all the utility functions set up, let's write a simple struct WaveWriter which implements a method WriteWaveFile which would save the sample data into a wave file.

type WaveWriter struct{}

func NewWaveWriter() WaveWriter {
  return WaveWriter{}

func (w WaveWriter) WriteWaveFile(file string, samples []types.Sample, metadata types.WaveFmt) error {
  f, err := os.Create(file)
  if err != nil {
    return err
  defer f.Close()

  var data []byte

  headerBits := utils.CreateHeaderBits(samples, metadata)
  data = append(data, headerBits...)

  wfmtInBits := utils.WaveFmtToBits(metadata)
  data = append(data, wfmtInBits...)

  data = append(data, []byte(constants.WaveSubChunk2Id)...)
  data = append(data, utils.Int32ToBits(len(samples)*metadata.NumOfChannels*metadata.BitsPerSample/8)...)

  samplesBits, err := utils.SamplesToBits(samples, metadata)
  if err != nil {
    return err
  data = append(data, samplesBits...)

  if _, err := f.Write(data); err != nil {
    return err

  return nil

the header is created using the above utility function (CreateHeaderBits) and also the fmt block and samples are converted to their equivalent byte representations using the above utility functions (WaveFmtToBits and SamplesToBits).

let's use the WriteWaveFile method in our script to save the samples into a wave file.

var samples []types.Sample

for i := 0; i < ns; i++ {
  sample := types.Sample(math.Sin(angle*freq*float64(i)) * startAmplitude)
  startAmplitude *= decayFactor

  samples = append(samples, sample)

waveWriter := helpers.NewWaveWriter()
if err := waveWriter.WriteWaveFile("test.wav", samples, wavefmt); err != nil {

and on running the script, a new file named test.wav must be created, which must sound similar to - test.wav

reading wave files

we've successfully implemented the first part of the blog post which is to generate a sine wave of a constant frequency and save it to a wave file. the next part is to amplify a given wave file. to amplify a given input wave file, we have to first parse through it. to do so, we have to implement WaveReader.

before actually implementing WaveReader, we have add few utility functions which convert bits to ints/floats.

func BitsToInt(b []byte, size int) int {
  switch size {
  case 16:
    return Bits16ToInt(b)
  case 32:
    return Bits32ToInt(b)
    panic("invalid size. only 16 and 32 bits are accepted")

func Bits16ToInt(b []byte) int {
  if len(b) != 2 {
    panic(fmt.Errorf("invalid size. expected 2, got %d", len(b)))

  var payload int16
  buf := bytes.NewReader(b)
  if err := binary.Read(buf, binary.LittleEndian, &payload); err != nil {

  return int(payload)

func Bits32ToInt(b []byte) int {
  if len(b) != 4 {
    panic(fmt.Errorf("invalid size. expected 4, got %d", len(b)))

  var payload int32
  buf := bytes.NewReader(b)
  if err := binary.Read(buf, binary.LittleEndian, &payload); err != nil {

  return int(payload)

func BitsToFloat(b []byte) float64 {
  switch len(b) {
  case 4:
    bits32 := binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(b)
    return float64(math.Float32frombits(bits32))
  case 8:
    bits64 := binary.LittleEndian.Uint64(b)
    return math.Float64frombits(bits64)
    panic(fmt.Errorf("invalid size: %d, must be 32 or 64 bits", len(b)*8))

the WaveReader struct implements a few methods which parses through the input wave file and returns parsed header (WaveHeader), fmt block (WaveFmt) and samples ([]Samples). while parsing, the samples are scaled down as during writing, the samples were multiplied with max value of that corresponding bit length so it must be divided while parsing to maintain consistency.

type WaveReader struct{}

func NewWaveReader() WaveReader {
  return WaveReader{}

func (r WaveReader) ParseFile(file string) (types.Wave, error) {
  f, err := os.Open(file)
  if err != nil {
    return types.Wave{}, err
  defer f.Close()

  data, err := io.ReadAll(f)
  if err != nil {
    return types.Wave{}, err

  header, err := r.parseHeader(data)
  if err != nil {
    return types.Wave{}, err

  wavefmt, err := r.parseMetadata(data)
  if err != nil {
    return types.Wave{}, err

  samples, err := r.parseData(data)
  if err != nil {
    return types.Wave{}, err

  wave := types.Wave{
    WaveHeader: header,
    WaveFmt:    wavefmt,
    Samples:    samples,

  return wave, nil

func (r WaveReader) parseHeader(data []byte) (types.WaveHeader, error) {
  header := types.WaveHeader{}

  chunkId := data[0:4]
  if string(chunkId) != constants.WaveChunkId {
    return header, errors.New("invalid file")
  header.ChunkId = chunkId

  chunkSize := data[4:8]
  header.ChunkSize = utils.Bits32ToInt(chunkSize)

  format := data[8:12]
  if string(format) != constants.WaveFileFormat {
    return header, errors.New("invalid format")

  return header, nil

func (r WaveReader) parseMetadata(data []byte) (types.WaveFmt, error) {
  metadata := types.WaveFmt{}

  subChunk1Id := data[12:16]
  if string(subChunk1Id) != constants.WaveSubChunk1Id {
    return metadata, fmt.Errorf("invalid sub chunk 1 id - %s", string(subChunk1Id))

  metadata.SubChunk1Id = subChunk1Id
  metadata.SubChunk1Size = utils.Bits32ToInt(data[16:20])
  metadata.AudioFormat = utils.Bits16ToInt(data[20:22])
  metadata.NumOfChannels = utils.Bits16ToInt(data[22:24])
  metadata.SampleRate = utils.Bits32ToInt(data[24:28])
  metadata.ByteRate = utils.Bits32ToInt(data[28:32])
  metadata.BlockAlign = utils.Bits16ToInt(data[32:34])
  metadata.BitsPerSample = utils.Bits16ToInt(data[34:36])

  return metadata, nil

func (r WaveReader) parseData(data []byte) ([]types.Sample, error) {
  metadata, err := r.parseMetadata(data)
  if err != nil {
    return nil, err

  subChunk2Id := data[36:40]
  if string(subChunk2Id) != constants.WaveSubChunk2Id {
    return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid sub chunk 2 id - %s", string(subChunk2Id))

  bytesPerSampleSize := metadata.BitsPerSample / 8
  rawData := data[44:]

  samples := []types.Sample{}

  for i := 0; i < len(rawData); i += bytesPerSampleSize {
    rawSample := rawData[i : i+bytesPerSampleSize]
    unscaledSample := utils.BitsToInt(rawSample, metadata.BitsPerSample)
    scaledSample := types.Sample(float64(unscaledSample) / float64(utils.MaxValue(metadata.BitsPerSample)))
    samples = append(samples, scaledSample)

  return samples, nil

if you have noticed, i have added a new type Wave which just contains wave header, fmt block and samples - easier to access and return the data through Wave.

type Wave struct {
  Samples []Sample

amplifying a given wave file

in simple words, amplification is nothing more than scaling up/down the amplitude of the wave at a given point. so basically, messing around with each individual sample.

waveReader := helpers.NewWaveReader()
waveWriter := helpers.NewWaveWriter()

wave, err := waveReader.ParseFile(input)
if err != nil {
  return err

var updatedSamples []types.Sample

for _, sample := range wave.Samples {
  updatedSample := types.Sample(float64(sample) * scaleFactor)
  updatedSamples = append(updatedSamples, updatedSample)

if err := waveWriter.WriteWaveFile(output, updatedSamples, wave.WaveFmt); err != nil {
  return err

[out-of-context] i have re-structured the entire program into a CLI using cobra. generating the constant frequency sine wave is handled by generate command and amplification part is handled amplify command. it is not entire necessarily to use cobra, it was more of a personal choice.

this is the output when a 440Hz pure sine wave is scaled down by 0.2 times - output.wav


in the context of audio programming, stereopanning refers to positioning the sound within the space, allowing you to make it appear as if it's coming from the left speaker, right speaker, or anywhere in between by adjusting the audio signal.

until now, we have only worked with single audio channels but in case of multiple audio channels, a single float number doesn't make up a sample but rather multiple float numbers make up a sample.

[f1][f2][f3][f4]...[fn]; where fn is the nth float number

if the number of audio channels is set to be 1, then f1 alone makes up for the 1st sample. whereas, if the number of audio channels is set to be 2, then f1 and f2 combined make up for the 1st sample and f3 and f4 combined make up for the 2nd sample.

for sake of simplicity, we would perform stereopanning on a mono audio file (i.e. number of audio channels = 1) and return a stereo audio file (i.e. number of audio channels = 2).

generally, the position of audio in the space is represented using a number within the range of [-1, 1].

  1. -1 indicates that the sound is completely positioned towards the left.
  2. 1 indicates that the sound is completely positioned towards the right.
  3. 0 indicates that the sound is equally distributed between the two channels i.e. kept at the center.

consider p to be the panning position in range of [-1, 1], then the multiplying factor for both the audio signals can be found by transforming the ranges.

  1. for left channel, [-1, 1] is transformed to [-0.5, 0.5] by dividing by 2 and then subtracted by 0.5 to get [-1, 0]

    pp/2 → (p/2) - 0.5

  2. for right channel, [-1, 1] is transformed to [-0.5, 0.5] and then 0.5 is added to get [0, 1]

    pp/2 → (p/2) + 0.5

in code, it can be expressed as follows

func PanPositionToChanMultipliers(p float64) (float64, float64) {
  if !(p >= -1 && p <= 1) {
    panic("pan position outside [-1, 1] range")

  leftChanMultiplier := (p / 2) - 0.5
  rightChanMultiplier := (p / 2) + 0.5

  return leftChanMultiplier, rightChanMultiplier

ik, not so great function name

and after figuring out the multipliers for left and right channels, it is pretty much same as amplifying -- just multiplying that factor and writing that data to the wave file.

wave, err := waveReader.ParseFile(input)
if err != nil {
  return err

leftChanMultiplier, rightChanMultiplier := utils.PanPositionToChanMultipliers(panningPosition)

var updatedSamples []types.Sample

for _, sample := range wave.Samples {
  updatedSamples = append(updatedSamples, types.Sample(sample.ToFloat()*leftChanMultiplier))
  updatedSamples = append(updatedSamples, types.Sample(sample.ToFloat()*rightChanMultiplier))

wave.WaveFmt.NumOfChannels = 2

if err := waveWriter.WriteWaveFile(output, updatedSamples, wave.WaveFmt); err != nil {
  return err

i ran the script on rec.wav and here is the output when the panning position is equal to -1 - left.wav and here is the output when it is equal to 1 - right.wav

you can clearly notice that when you play left.wav, the audio just comes from the left speaker and when you play right.wav, it just comes from the right speaker.

...and well that is pretty it for this blog post. i might write few more blog posts about this topic covering topics such as waveform tables and ADSR.

got any thoughts related to this blog post? drop 'em over here - discussion

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