writing a brainfuck interpreter

by mukesh on

i recently built a toy programming language (brtlang), which got me more interested about interpreters and compilers. so i thought of building a brainfuck interpreter (pretty obvious, didn't you see it coming?).


brainfuck is an esoteric programming language which is designed to be extremely minimalistic. the language consists of only eight simple commands, a data pointer, and an instruction pointer. even tho it has a very small set of keywords, it is a turning-complete language.

a brainfuck program is initialized with an array of 30,000 1 byte memory blocks (would be referring it as tape), in which each cell/block is initialized to zero, an instruction pointer that loops over the tape, and a data pointer that loops over the file contents.

the available 8 keywords/operators in brainfuck are:

  1. > - move the instruction pointer to the next block
  2. < - move the instruction pointer to the previous block
  3. + - increase the value of current block
  4. - - decrease the value of current block
  5. [ - loops until current block value is equal to 0
  6. ] - if current block value is non-zero, it jumps back to [. [ and ] combined form the loop
  7. , - reads the character from stdin and stores it at the current block
  8. . - prints out current block value to stdout

any character other than the above mentioned 8 keywords must be considered as a comment, basically ignored by the interpreter

hello world in brainfuck


let's break it down.

  1. >++++++++[<+++++++++>-]<.
  2. >++++[<+++++++>-]<+.
  3. +++++++.
  4. .
  5. +++.
  6. >>++++++[<+++++++>-]<++.
  7. ------------.
  8. >++++++[<+++++++++>-]<+.
  9. <.
  10. +++.
  11. ------.
  12. --------.
  13. >>>++++[<++++++++>-]<+.

  1. >++++++++[<+++++++++>-]<.

    the instruction pointer moves one block to the right and increments the value by 8

    >> current state of tape - [0,(8),...]

    (() indicates that the pointer is currently at that block)

    the program then enters a loop. the instruction pointer moves one block to the left and increments the value by 9

    >> current state of tape - [(9),8,...]

    the instruction pointer moves one block to the right and decrements the value by 1. as the current block value is non-zero, it jumps back to [ and it continues until value of the second block becomes zero, so 8 times. at the end of the loop, the value of first block would be equal to 72

    >> current state of tape - [72,(0),...]

    the instruction pointer moves one block to the left and prints out current block value

    >> current state of tape - [(72),0,...]

    72 is ASCII code for letter H

  2. >++++[<+++++++>-]<+.

    the instruction pointer moves one block to the right and increments the value by 4

    >> current state of tape - [72,(4),...]

    the program enters a loop. the instruction pointer moves one block to the left and increments the value by 7

    >> current state of tape - [(80),4,...]

    the instruction pointer moves one block to the right and decrements the value by 1. as the current block value is non-zero, it jumps back to [ and it continues until the value of the second block becomes zero, so 4 times. at the end of the loop, the value of first loop would be equal to 72 + (4*7) = 100

    >> current state of tape - [100,(0),...]

    the instruction pointer moves one block to the left, increments the value by 1 and prints out current block's value

    >> current state of tape - [(101),0,...]

    101 is ASCII code for letter e

  3. +++++++.

    the instruction pointer increments value of current block by 7 and prints out current block's value

    >> current state of tape - [(108),0,...]

    108 is ASCII code for letter l

  4. .

    the instruction pointer prints out current block's value

    >> curent state of tape - [(108),0,...]

    108 is ascii code for letter l

  5. +++.

    the instruction pointer increments value of current block by 3 and prints out current block's value

    >> current state of tape - [(111),0,...]

    111 is ascii code for letter o

  6. >>++++++[<+++++++>-]<++.

    the instruction pointer moves two blocks to the right and increments value of current block by 6

    >> current state of tape - [111,0,(6),...]

    the program enters a loop. the instruction pointer moves one block to the left and increments value of current block by 7

    >> current state of tape - [111,(7),6,...]

    the instruction pointer moves one block to the right and decrements value of current block by 1. as value of current block is non-zero, the program jumps back to [ and it continues until value of third block is equal to zero, so 6 times

    >> current state of tape - [111,42,(0),...]

    the instruction pointer moves one block to the left, increments value of current block by 2 and prints out the value

    >> current state of tape - [111,(44),0,...]

    44 is ASCII code for ,

so yea, you get it. let's now write the interpreter


let's structure interpreter

type Interpreter struct {
    Tape  [30000]uint8
    Ptr   int
    Input []byte
  1. Tape is 30,000 byte array which is initialized at the start of the program
  2. Ptr is current index of instruction pointer
  3. Input is the source code

Tape is of an array of type uint8 to have wrapping

func (p *Interpreter) Run() {
        bracketCounter := 0
        for i := 0; i < len(p.Input); i++ {
            switch p.Input[i] {
            case '>':
            case '<':
            case '+':
            case '-':
            case '.':
            case ',':
                var input string
                if _, err := fmt.Scan(&input); err != nil {
                    fmt.Println(InterpreterError("failed to read input", i))
                runes := []rune(input)
                if len(runes) > 1 {
                    fmt.Println(InterpreterError(fmt.Sprintf("recieved %s. expected single character input", input), i))
                p.Tape[p.Ptr] = byte(runes[0])
            case '[':
                if p.Tape[p.Ptr] == 0 {
                    for p.Input[i] != ']' || bracketCounter != 0 {
                        if p.Input[i] == '[' {
                        } else if p.Input[i] == ']' {
            case ']':
                if p.Tape[p.Ptr] != 0 {
                    for p.Input[i] != '[' || bracketCounter != 0 {
                        if p.Input[i] == ']' {
                        } else if p.Input[i] == '[' {

i've defined Run method on Interpreter struct which is responsible for interpreting the source code.

the code might look overwhelming at first, so let's break down.

Run method loops the source code and checks value of each character. i in the for loop acts like data pointer, p.Ptr acts as instruction pointer and p.Tape[p.Ptr] acts as current block

  1. if current character is > then p.Ptr is incremented by 1
  2. if current character is < then p.Ptr is decremented by 1
  3. if current character is + then value of current block (p.Tape[p.Ptr]) is incremented by 1
  4. if current character is - then value of current block (p.Tape[p.Ptr]) is decremented by 1
  5. if current character is . then string equivalent of current block value (string(p.Tape[p.Ptr])) is printed out
  6. if current character is , then the input is read from stdin

    var input string
    if _, err := fmt.Scan(&input); err != nil {
        fmt.Println(InterpreterError("failed to read input", i))

    and checks whether the input is a multi-character or not.

    runes := []rune(input)
    if len(runes) > 1 {
        fmt.Println(InterpreterError(fmt.Sprintf("recieved %s. expected single character input", input), i))

    InterpreterError is just an utility function which appends an prefix to an error message

    func InterpreterError(msg string, idx int) string {
        return fmt.Sprintf("an error occured at %d character: %s", idx, msg)

    if the input isn't a multi-character then ASCII code of the first element is stored into the current block

    p.Tape[p.Ptr] = byte(runes[0])
  7. if current character is [ then it checks current block value. if it is zero, then the loop is skipped until the matching ]. if no, then it executes the loop body by moving the data pointer i.e. incrementing i

    bracketCounter is used to track how many pairs of brackets ([ and ]) the interpreter has encountered

    if p.Tape[p.Ptr] == 0 {
        for p.Input[i] != ']' || bracketCounter != 0 {
            if p.Input[i] == '[' {
            } else if p.Input[i] == ']' {
  8. if current character is ] then it checks current block value. if it is zero, then the loop is exited. if no, then it jumps back to matching [ to execute the loop body until current block value is equal to zero

    if p.Tape[p.Ptr] != 0 {
        for p.Input[i] != '[' || bracketCounter != 0 {
            if p.Input[i] == ']' {
            } else if p.Input[i] == '[' {

and that's how you implement a brainfuck interpreter in under 100 lines in golang.

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